GET 2017 Day 37, June 7, Wednesday.
Start Segment 35 mile 3.9, after 15.6 miles on Segment 34, approaching Manzano Peak
Start 4th of July Campground, Segment 36 mile zero
End 1.9 miles on Mars Court Alternate to start of Drop In Trail, after 30.6 miles of Segment 36
Miles walked: 32.5
This next section is a challenge, because the official GET is on paved road for over 25 miles, since no route is available through public lands to the Sandias, and no trail has been negotiated with private landholders. With high temperatures probable, and few water sources available except a few country stores after the village of Chilili, this could be a tough day.
But I had a cunning idea. Hike at night. The moon was near full, and the road should be cool at night, with little traffic. I shouldn’t even need a strong headlamp, since there is not much along the road to see. I would still be hiking plenty during daylight, but the night would give a good start, after sleeping a bit and heading out around 2AM.
Well, a thunderstorm was in progress at 2, so the hike did not start until 3:30AM. The moon is now getting low in the trees, and thin cloud cover blocks most stars, but I can see something as big as a road in front of me. The air is cool and I make good time.
The village Tajique appears an hour before the local Ray’s country store opens, but I will have several snacking opportunities on the other side of Chilili.

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