Landavaso Trail 2024

Ten volunteers from Socorro Trails joined a group from Rocky Mountain Youth Corps to finish the far loop of the Landavaso Trail just outside of Magdalena.

The Corps had already improved the far loop by the time we arrived, so we spent the entire day adding finishing touches, with emphasis on removing berm.

The trail appears to already be frequently used by local hikers, doggies, and bikes. If the highway department puts up a trail sign at the turn-off, usage will be even better.

Grasses will try to grow a living berm along the trail each year, so we will be back.

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Mineral Creek

  • GxL Day 9, April 10, Wednesday
  • Start on Deloche Canyon Trail
  • End Mineral Creek Road and leave route for several weeks
  • Miles walked: 14

Having finally found Deloche again, the trail is not too bad, with some signs of trail maintenance– lopping and even a brief section of tread work. Three small caves are visible on a nearby rock outcropping.

The trail exits at Bursum Road above Mogollon. I am guessing since it is a signed trailhead, the trail really is intended to be maintained.

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