Six Mile Scouting 2024

Rob, Nick, and I returned to the Magdalenas for a scouting trip for an upcoming NMVFO/Socorro-Trails project. We drove up Water Canyon Road and started hiking at Ryan Hill Trail, at the “X” on the map, first a two-track that goes past an old mine, narrowing to single track.

At the intersection we headed west on Six Mile Trail, flagging a route that had nearly disappeared in many places. We removed some downed trees and cleared forest litter covering the tread, to make the upcoming project easier for trail crews to follow. Oak and mountain mahogany are growing into the trail in abundance, and it looks like the upcoming project will involve a great deal of lopping.

CDTC San Pedro Parks 2024

Six NMVFO volunteers joined CDTC staff and volunteers, and NM Mountain Club volunteers, for a weekend project near San Gregorio Lake Trailhead. When scouting the trail we observed several thru-hikers taking the wrong intersections at a particular confusing spot, which we managed to improve. We also repaired badly eroded trail on a steep embankment along Nacimiento Creek.

The next day we split into two teams and cleared downed trees from the trailhead to Nacimiento Mine, about 6.7 miles away. This was the first two-person crosscut experience for several volunteers.

On the final half-day we cleared drains on the trail up to San Gregorio Lake.

A big thanks goes out to CDTC staff leaders Kinsey and Michael, and cook Randi, and all the volunteers, for a memorable high-morale weekend.

Timber Ridge Trail 2024

About 20 volunteers from NMVFO and Socorro Trails, joined by one USFS staffer, cleared brush and downed trees on Timber Ridge Trail in the Magdalenas. We met at Water Canyon Picnic Area and carpooled up the challenging road towards the observatory, along the way passing a crane that had fallen down a slope after slipping on icy north-facing road.

I had not hiked Timber Ridge before, and it is now my favorite (short) trail in New Mexico, with glorious views on both sides.

We divided into 4 small teams and mostly leap-frogged along the trail, eventually clearing about 3.1 miles.