MRT 2021 Day 15, April 19, Monday
• Start S5 mile 1.5, just past gate
• End S5 mile 26 + 0.4 to campground
• Miles walked: 24.5
The MRT stays on the extensive White Mountain Trailsystem today, mostly on built single-track paths, Expect a series of trail names, that you do not need to pay much attention to, but help me remember what I hiked.
After a brief cross-country zig-zag, the route goes on Timber Mesa Trail on a ridge to the east of Show Low, with some views.

A large marsh area is to the east of town, unusual for AZ. On this trail I meet a member of TRACKS, the organization who builds and maintains the White Mountain Trailsystem.
Osprey Connector crosses the first real creek in a while. Then on to Ice Cave Trail, leading to a lava tube, a cave formation that traps cold air.
A timber harvesting operation is nearby.

Country Club Trail is unusually wide built trail, going through Ponderosa forest on flat terrain, leading to Chipmunk Connector, and more signs of recent harvesting.

Then a surprise late in the day.

Knowing the Forest Service, if access were prohibited, they would tell you with bold signs, so I proceed. A few miles of the area had burned pine needles to reduce fire load, but even small trees were not scorched by the level of fire. Similar to burning weeds at home.

I end the day at Los Burros Campground, near a piped spring and picnic tables. No one else is here.

Finished audiobook The Lion’s Skin, by Rafael Sabatini.