Day 7, Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Start 02-135XR, mile 1550.3
End near 04-029RX McCarty Canyon Road, mile 1571
A few minutes on the trail, the forest parts, and a mountain meadow comes in view, with wildflowers and small round cacti.

No path is worn through the grass, so cairns mark the trail.

The trail alternates several times between meadow in the heights and forest in the low areas.

Ahead we can see a transition to a vast area of rolling grassland in a great basin. My camera can only capture a tiny bit.

Grassland with sagebrush is the order of the day, with a few scrub trees in low areas, and infrequent creeks.

Antelope stay in the distance, too far for my camera to capture well.

The path is two-track dirt road most of the day. This horned toad likes the dirt.

The CDT delights once again with a rather sharp transition to a different ecosystem.
[Finished audiobook The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson]