MRT/GET 2021 Day 31, May 5, Wednesday
• Start 28050 on Shipman Trail
• End 28280 Red Canyon, beyond Apache Kid Wilderness
• Miles walked: 18.3
Shipman Trail continues to climb, past Myers Spring, crossing talus, past the ridge and the Myers cabin ruin as the trail enters a mild burn area, and down to Nave Spring. All the time I am taking notes for a future trail project, noting a possible group campsite, counting blowdowns (80), and so forth.

Shipman Trail connects to Apache Kid Trail, the main and longest route in the Wilderness, extending even to the next Wilderness to the north, the Withington. Apache starts off in really good condition for a little over a mile, then runs into many blowdowns and trail erosion problems because of a burn, possibly multiple burns. I counted 360 blowdown in two miles, before finally giving up counting.
In addition to a project on Shipman, my trail group is planning another project on Apache Kid in the fall, a car camping trip. We will have plenty to do…

Blowdowns persist until mid-afternoon, when the trail goes beyond the burn.

Finally the trail exits the wilderness and goes into a peaceful small grassy canyon to end the day.
Finished audiobook short story Force Multiplier, by Cory Doctorow.