End mile 366 near junction to Bear Spring (passage20mile17.9)
Miles walked: 23.6
Road and trail lead me to Roosevelt Lake, a man-made reservoir on the Salt River.
I do not go down to the marina for snacks or resupply, for “social distancing”. Next is walking on a suspension bridge, near the dam at the outlet of the lake.
Start mile 320.6 on Reavis Ranch Trail (passage19mile1.6)
End mile 342.4 forest road 341 (passage19mile23.5)
Miles walked: 21.8
Today the route continued to cross back and forth across streams, often wet-foot crossings because the water is so high or the bank is washed out. But I don’t want to include a picture of that, so here is a cool rocky bluff characteristic of the Superstitions.
The trail condition today is unusually rugged, with plenty of large rocks, poor drainage, mud, and PUDs (pointless ups-and-downs). Or maybe this is the new normal? We will see tomorrow. I could not make my usual mileage today– it was tough going, guys.