
  • AZT 2020 Day 20, March 28, Saturday
  • Start mile 450.2, FR 194 (passage25mile11.8)
  • End Pine trailhead mile 461.1 and into town of Pine (passage 25mile21.8)
  • Miles walked: 10.9

A light snow last night is slow to melt in the cold morning, and patches of mud on the road stay frozen until mid-morning.

Getting close to the town of Pine, tall pine forest has been thinned, presumably for fire defense.

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East Verde River

  • AZT 2020 Day 19, March 27, Friday
  • Start mile 422.9, down from rocky ridge (passage23mile19.7)
  • End mile 450.2, FR 194 (passage25mile11.8)
  • Miles walked: 27.3

Red Hills Trail shows off mountains with exposed red rock outcroppings, and hillsides covered with small broken pieces of the same rocks.

After going down and up a couple of canyons the route plunges down to East Verde River on Brush Springs Trail, losing 3k altitude. Storms threaten all around, but other than a freakish snow flurry, no rain. When the sun is blocked by clouds, the temperature plunges to new daytime lows.

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Mazatzal Divide

  • AZT 2020 Day 18, March 26, Thursday
  • Start Saddle Mountain mile 396 (passage22mile9.4)
  • End mile 422.9, down from rocky ridge (passage25mile19.7)
  • Miles walked: 26.9

On Sheep Creek Trail are some little ravines cut by a creek, often not wide enough at the bottom for a creek and a trail, so they have to share. Sometimes it widens a bit, with an isolated stand of tall pine trees where all nearby plants are no taller than a shrub.

We are now half-way done on this 800 mile trail!

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