GET 2017 Day 24, May 19, Friday.
Start Lower Scorpion Campground at Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, Section 22 mile zero
End just past only ford of East Fork of Gila River, Section 22 mile 9.1
Miles walked: 9.1
This morning I was the first civilian to enter the Gila Cliff Dwelling after its 9AM opening.( I had toured in previous years with family, and always enjoy the experience.) You wind along a wooded path near a creek and cliff face, with birds chirping and lizards watching. Suddenly you walk out to see several rooms built of stone and mortar built into a huge overhang of a cliff.

These dwellings were built around 1280AD, about the same time as other cliff dwellings in the southwest USA. This structure was only occupied for a generation. Why? There are theories, but the answer is not settled.
In this series of photos, look at craftsmanship, and details such as steps, windows, and vigas.

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