Try That Again

CDT Montana 2016

Day 7, July 12, Tuesday.

Start Roadwalk about 15 miles from interstate along Sheep Creek Road to 05-253AP Sawmill Trailhead

Stop 05-327WT near Sheep Creek

Miles on trail: 7.4

Mike at the motel gave me a ride back to Sheep Creek Road exit 9 at interstate, but was not able to drive the gravel road. The road-walk went pretty well, and I arrived early afternoon at the trailhead.

Hiking up to the spot where I turned around yesterday, pellet snow started falling, then a steady rain. (The weather report said 30% chance of rain today and then clear for several days.)

Not many pictures today after the rain.

I climbed down the bad weather high-point, and eventually rain stopped… for a while. The pathway wound past some mountain with exposed rock, a change from the rounded grass-covered mountains seen in recent days.

Continue reading “Try That Again”


CDT Montana 2016

Day 6 July 11, Monday.

Start 05-275M, on approach to cross the Continental Divide

Stop 05-230M on the other side of the Divide a short distance

Miles forward… about 3

In morning the tent was surrounded with funny white stuff.

The top of the mountain was covered in snow, still coming down hard and sticking. White-out conditions made it hard to know how far down the mountain the snow extended. I decided to cross the Divide and go down a little ways and see if one could walk out of snow.

Continue reading “Oops”


CDT Montana 2016

Day 5, July 10, Sunday

Start 05-100M On border fence Montana-Idaho on Continental Divide, 2 miles from Modoc Creek.

Stop 05-275M, on approach to cross the Continental Divide after spending the morning walking along the Divide in the Beaverhead National Forest

Miles 2 + 5.7 + 7.8 + 7.7 = 23.2

Rain showers in the early morning delayed starting a couple of hours, since I really did not want to break camp and start the day being rained on.

After a couple of miles descended down to Modoc Creek to get water.

The way is steep and far, so do not go down unless you are down to your last teaspoon of water.

The morning was spent following Divide fence-line again like yesterday, except the ridges were so much taller on the “Roller Coaster”.

Continue reading “Beaverhead”