
  • AZT 2020 Day 10, March 18, Wednesday
  • Start mile 191.5 at road junction on Oracle Ridge (passage12mile8.7)
  • End mile 218.6 (passage14mile11)
  • Miles walked:  27.1

The trail continues along Oracle Ridge, slowly descending to the hills below. I meet “Detour”, and we walk a few miles together in conversation before he stops for breakfast.

Today we are over a quarter the way through this trip.

Continue reading “Maelstrom”


  • AZT 2020 Day 9, March 17, Tuesday
  • Start mile 173.7, half-mile to Cathedral Rock Trail (passage11mile9.4)
  • End mile 191.5 at road junction on Oracle Ridge (passage12mile8.7)
  • Miles walked: 17.8

I passed a dozen tents near Cathedral Rock junction, where the trail starts to climb out of a box canyon.

But instead of going over the saddle, the trail turn toward one of the walls, beginning a climb up to Mount Lemmon.

Continue reading “Summerhaven”

Santa Catalinas

  • AZT 2020 Day 8, March 16, Monday
  • Start mile 148.8 near Italian Trap Trailhead (passage9mile22.3)
  • End mile 173.7, half-mile to Cathedral Rock Trail (passage11mile9.4)
  • Miles walked: 24.9

At the next trail junction I meet “Boomerang”, who bikes or hikes a section of trail, backtracks, and moves his van to the next section, hence the name.

The trail passes by a small lake, named “The Lake“ on maps. Is this the only natural lake on the AZT?

After climbing up and over a saddle, I descend down to Catalina Highway, past a couple of very busy campgrounds, and enter into a series of remarkably deep canyons with steep rock walls.

Continue reading “Santa Catalinas”