17 NMVFO volunteers gathered at the group site at Water Canyon Campground for the weekend, to work on several trails in the nearby mountains. On Saturday I hiked with one team on a 10 mile loop of Hop Canyon Trail #25, North Baldy Trail, and Hop Canyon #25A, removing all deadfalls and doing some much-needed lopping on Magdalena Ridge.

Another team worked on South Baldy Trail, and another on Copper Canyon Trail.
Sunday all volunteers converged on Copper Canyon Trail, lopping to complete that route.

We were working on the lower part of the trail, widened by ATV use.

So many volunteers made the weekend a joy: Nick, Carlos, Sam, Melony, Evelyn, Spencer, Danielle, Kai, Paige, Kristin, Dave, Rifka, Don, Mike, Dennis, and Bill.