
Day 18, Saturday July 4, 2015
Start past creek 12-127WT, approx mile 1775
End 13-119WT North Fork Silver Creek, mile 1795.4

Past the turn-off to Big Sandy Campground is a popular network of trails, heavily used today by backpackers and trail riders.


One couple out for a week backpacking is from Minnesota, so the skeeters here would be no big deal for them.
Lakes are everywhere. I do not bother taking photos of them anymore.


We start getting some really cool mountains visible


Another large group of riders go by with several packhorses, probably led by an outfitter


A steady breeze kept the insects grounded midday, and I am unusually tired, like having to adjust to high altitude again at 10k, so I take a siesta on a rock in the shade.

In early evening I am so tired I have to take another 30 minute siesta, which reviver me enough that I can walk several more miles.
The views of mountains today have been really rewarding.


I do hope tomorrow brings renewed energy.

Author: Jim, Sagebrush

Jim (trail-name Sagebrush) codes audio software for Windows, Linux, Android, and embedded systems. When not working at, he enjoys backpacking, which this blog is about.