A class was held at the Grants NM USFS field office for volunteers interested in adopting sections of the CDT— visiting at least twice a calendar year and willing to do trail work on their section, clearing corridor of brush, fixing tread, and sawing small fallen trees blocking pathway. The class was led by Gabe from the CDTC, who was a co-leader on the Gila River project.

At least 18 people attended the class, including Alvin from the Grants USFS office, Kerry from the Sandia office, many enthusiastic members of the Cibola Trail Alliance, and several Backcountry Horsemen, Zuni Mountain Chapter. Some people from Las Cruces were present, planning to adopt trail in the Silver City area.

After lunch we went out with tools on CDT trail, and Kerry did a walk-and talk on practical ways to improve the tread.

I am hoping to adopt trail just south of Pie Town, and will go out and scout my proposed section in the next few days, as trail has been re-routed in that area since my trip through in 2013.