CT2023 Gear

Well I didn’t have to pack
I had it all right on my back
Now I’m five hundred miles away from home

“500 Miles”, Rosanne Cash, The List

I deny being a gearhead, and seem to be falling further behind the major backpacking equipment trends each year. One example: most thru-hikers on the CT have moved to hoodie sunshirts– I really should look into these for next year. Several of my equipment list items are the exact same pieces from my 2012 Gear List.

Here are some changes from my most recent published gear list:

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Colorado Trail 2023

(PDF download of trip journal)

Post CT

  • CT Day 25, July 24, Monday
  • Start: Durango CO
  • End: Lemitar NM

Departing the hostel, I took a trolley (free this month) to the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad (D&SNGRR) train depot, where historic steam engine excursions depart and arrive daily. My son arrived to give me a ride back to New Mexico.

But first we spent some time browsing the (free) museum housed in the roundhouse building that services the locomotives.

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