Day 11, Saturday June 27, 2015
Start Rawlins Wyoming, mile 1619.5
End 06-184AP, near crossing with paved county road 63, mile 1640.6
The trail roughly parallels highway 287, where snow fences stand guard.
Sagebrush personal hiking blog
Continental Divide Trail
Day 11, Saturday June 27, 2015
Start Rawlins Wyoming, mile 1619.5
End 06-184AP, near crossing with paved county road 63, mile 1640.6
The trail roughly parallels highway 287, where snow fences stand guard.
Day 10, Friday June 26, 2015
Start Rawlins Wyoming, mile 1619.5
End Rawlins Wyoming, mile 1619.5
When a long distance hiker lingers in town for a day and hikes no trail miles, that is a “zero” day, or taking a “zero”. Don’t judge me.
Downtown Rawlins is vintage and lively.
Day 9, Thursday June 25, 2015
Start 04-300M along Bridger Pass Road, mile 1596
End Rawlins Wyoming, mile 1619.5
Hiking continues on dirt road most of the day. Ridges are nearby on either side.
A herd of wild horses watches me closely and then gallops off.