Day 14, Tuesday June 30, 2015
Start near 08-234WT farm tank (pond), mile 1685.9
End 09-106WT Weasel Spring, mile 1708.4
At first light I got more water at the tank, since the next sure water was not for another twelve miles.
Sagebrush personal hiking blog
Continental Divide Trail
Day 14, Tuesday June 30, 2015
Start near 08-234WT farm tank (pond), mile 1685.9
End 09-106WT Weasel Spring, mile 1708.4
At first light I got more water at the tank, since the next sure water was not for another twelve miles.
Day 13, Monday June 29, 2015
Start Just past 08-001WT A&M Reservoir, mile 1662.5
End near 08-234WT farm tank (pond), mile 1685.9
Most of the day is on pipeline road, that is, road to support a buried pipeline. Most pipelines are rather hidden, and do not have above-ground parts like this new natural gas pipeline.
Day 12, Sunday June 28, 2015
Start 06-184AP, near crossing with paved county road 63, mile 1640.6
End Just past 08-001WT A&M Reservoir, mile 1662.5
I start early to take advantage of cool temperatures.