On the Border

CDT Montana 2016

Day 2, July 7, Thursday

Start near 03-075WT where Mack’s Inn route merges back with main CDT route, just inside Montana border

Stop 03-270M somewhere in the Centennial Mountains and Targhee National Forest

Miles 4.5 + 7.2 + 4.9 = 16.6

After breaking camp, I found real built trail to walk on near the campsite that was not visible yesterday.

A sign describes the Experimental Sheep Station, active in July and August. No sheep were seen all day.

The trail heads westward all day long along the border between Idaho and Montana. The states use the actual Divide to determine their borders here.

Four people out day-hiking were surprised to see me coming the other way.

The trail climbs up high, near almost-10k-peaks, and I need to put back on gloves and windbreaker.

The trail merges onto an old road bed, wide and level, which follows along the top of a ridge for miles of great views.

The trail turns south into lower grassy rolling hills, still marked on the map as Sheep Station.

I make camp in a stand of trees. Skeeters lay siege to my tent.

[finished audiobook Dark Currents, book 2 in the Emperor’s Edge series, by Lindsay Buroker]

CDT2015-Wyoming Trail Journal Index

(PDF download of trip journal)

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West Yellowstone

Day 36, Wednesday July 22, 2015
Start near MI-090M, approx mile 2040.2
End Macks Inn US20, approx mile 2046, then get a ride to West Yellowstone

The way continues on forest service road, past vacation homes.


Getting closer to Mack’s Inn, I meet Max, who had stopped on the road last night to chat. He was doing road walk exercise. He offers me a ride to West Yellowstone(!), since I mentioned yesterday that was my destination to catch a bus. We agree to meet at the post office at 10.
I get to highway 20 and meet three thru-hikers who flipped to the border to hike south, Track Meat, Spark, and Carrot.


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