CDT Bullard Peak 2025

Ten Gila Chapter Back Country Horsemen NM volunteers and staff backpacked 2.0 miles from Red Rock Trailhead, trail-south of Silver City, to a basecamp along the CDT, assisted by several packers and mules.

We lopped and limbed 4.5 miles of the CDT for three days, leaving one day early due to high winds forecast.

My first trail project of the year– what a fine beginning!

Segment 86 October 2022

Finally I return to my adopted section of the Continental Divide Trail for a 2-day backpack, starting at the northern terminus near Surprise Tank. The surprise is that Google Maps knows where this is. Clearing rabbitbush and some grass from the tread makes the trail more visible on this lower section. Later I clean some drains and saw or drag several trees which have fallen across the trail.

Camp is about 5 miles in. The cattle trough past dry Erman Well is now turned off, so I was low on water and did not hike the entire 11 mile segment, but turned around at dry Rincon Well.

Continue reading “Segment 86 October 2022”

Black Range CDT Reroute III 2020

Four volunteers joined two staffers from the Continental Divide Trail Coalition to work on a trail reroute in the Black Range. We met Thursday afternoon across from a cabin near the base of Lookout Mountain, along dry Chloride Creek, after a challenging 4wd drive. Our camp was shaded by Ponderosa pine and tall Gambel oak, unlike the low shrub typical in the state. On Friday we did finishing touches, tread-work and lopping, on new CDT trail created by recent projects.

Continue reading “Black Range CDT Reroute III 2020”