PCT 2018 Day 57, June 18, Monday.
Start at second crossing of Milton Creek, mile 1191.5
End mile 1206.2, flat spot
Miles walked: 14.7
After a brief walk, the small town of Sierra City appears. I meet BoyscoutsWheelChair and SunriseChardonnay, southbound, at the small church that provides free camping. They say I am done with snow!
Later I meet Saunter, northbound, at the general store. The store has free wifi, and I get my supply box and buy supplemental food there, and get lunch from their grill, and leave town in the early afternoon.
From 4.6k elevation at the highway, I climb on controlled-slope switchbacks all afternoon to 7.4k, bloated from town food and with a pack heavy with food supplies I find long skinny pine cones, not the huge Coulter Pine variety, but something different. After several hours of dense forest cover, suddenly the trail gets above trees for a few miles.
The trail gains a broad ridge with views, and follows for a few miles.