Seiad Valley

PCT 2018 Day 75, July 6, Friday.

Start flat spot at mile 1625.4

End Seiad Valley, RV park, mile 1653.4

Miles walked: 28.0

The trail descends all morning from 6.5k elevation to a low 1.3k, along switchbacks and following creeks and a final 6 mile road walk, without many views.

At the convenience store, I get wifi and check trail closures on the PCT web site, and discover the Klamathon Fire is only 3 miles from the PCT. I was just about to continue on the trail, but now wait for Wifey, Good News, and Ruffles to arrive and tell them the news. After searching for in#ormation with our smartphones, we decide to stay the night at the RV park, and look for news updates tomorrow.

Other hikers include Cowboy, Mitch and Gem, and FarWalker, and Bernard.

Author: Jim, Sagebrush

Jim (trail-name Sagebrush) codes audio software for Windows, Linux, Android, and embedded systems. When not working at, he enjoys backpacking, which this blog is about.

One thought on “Seiad Valley”

  1. I hope you don’t hike through smoke, much less fire. That day you called smolder was close enough to firewalking.

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