Ridge Cuke Frog

PCT 2018 Day 17, May 9, Wednesday.

Start mile 375.8, campsite near Lamel Spring

End mile 400

Miles walked: 24.2

Steep switchbacks lead to the summit of Mount Baden Powell, 9399 feet, named for the founder of the Boy Scouts.

The route stays near the top of ridge and saddle for several miles, rewarding with views. Going down a trail I meet at least 40 people coming the other way, a group from Korea Town in Los Angeles out for a day hike. One person tells me that someone further back in line will give me cucumbers, and, yes, someone gives me a bag even though I try to take just one, then another person later down the line also tries to give me cukes but I show my bag.

These baby cukes do taste like they were picked this morning. I am guessing that members of the club knew they would meet PCT hikers and decided to bring gifts. Later I see the group again taking a picnic after their hike.

Four other hikers were talking with them, Tortoise, First Bird, Irish, and GPSy (pronounced gypsy). Mile 390 to mile 394 of the trail is closed to protect an endangered species, the Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog. A couple of routes around the closure are available. My choice involved a 2 mile road-walk. At Buckhorn Campground, on the closure route, I meet the group of four hikers again, taking an afternoon break. I sit and chat a while, then move on. Later I see a couple of them again, and we are walking near each other, but they somehow disappeared at one point.

Steep switchbacks late in the day are draining my energy, so the 400 point marked in pine cones seems like a good place to stop.

Finished audiobook Captain Blood, by Rafael Sabatini

Video bonus: view from Mount Baden-Powell

Author: Jim, Sagebrush

Jim (trail-name Sagebrush) codes audio software for Windows, Linux, Android, and embedded systems. When not working at sagebrush.com, he enjoys backpacking, which this blog is about.