- AZT 2020 Day 17, March 25, Wednesday
- Start mile 366 near junction to Bear Spring (passage20mile17.9)
- End Saddle Mountain mile 396 (passage22mile9.4)
- Miles walked: 30
Several miles of dirt road, welcome after rugged trails, allows me to really stretch out legs and do some distance.

The road gradually descends, with a change to smaller trees.

A path through a series of low canyons gradually descends to a highway underpass. So many creek crossings underscores that Arizona is having a high water year, and that in other years the hike might be very different, having to worry about the next water source.

As the trail starts climbing again to Mazactal Wilderness, I meet three thru-hikers already encamped: Breadcrumb, Canyon Rat, and Everything. We chat about strategies for leaving the trail at Flagstaff because of world events.
These are the only hikers I have seen today, and previous days have likewise been missing people.