- CT Day 22, July 21, Friday
- Start: S25 mile 8.2, CT mile 418.9
- End: S26 mile 10.8, CT mile 443.9
- Miles walked: 25.0
The day starts with a climb to a pass at 12.5k .

Then comes a descent into trees, and a memorial plaque.

The route feints towards several peaks, but does not climb them. We get a good view of mountainsides almost entirely covered in talus and skree.

Late in the day, the route goes up Blackhawk Pass, at 12k.

Some flowers attract bees, but others attract flies, if you can zoom in.

I am mostly hiking in a bubble today.
Finished audiobook The Incredulity of Father Brown, by G K Chesterton.
This blog seems to have ended on a cliffhanger.