HDT 2022 Day 14, April 14, Thursday
Start base of Red Slide, S6 mile 17.9
End Escalante River 34.2
Miles walked: 16.3
The Red Slide appears to be a huge pile of red rocks right up against the Capitol Reef fold, and, just guessing, is part of the same geological uplift event.

Following an old mining track on Red Slide, the next task is to climb up to the Rim of Moody Canyon cross-country, dodging pinon+juniper and washes and ridges and huge boulders.

Descending down into Moody Canyon from the rim, I used a wash and climbed past a few pour-offs, then had to find a route around a really big pour-off.

Finally making it down to the floor of Moody’s, the route stays in the drainage for the rest of the day, about 12 miles. In such a long canyon wash the geology changes a few times. At first is dark red rock, thin layer, crumbly to the touch.

Then comes a yellowish brown rock, that split the canyon walls in huge boulders, making an obstacle course.

And briefly there was white rock, curvy.

Finally getting to the Escalante River at 6PM, it was too late to make any progress, so I camped nearby for an early start tomorrow. The river does not seem as silty as described in my sources, but that may change. I can see the bottom of the river, about knee deep, sandy bottom, fast flowing, banks clogged with tamarisk and willow, a steep sandy bank at the edge of the water, and high vertical canyon walls.

The 25.5 mile section of the Escalante that I am hiking will take at least two days.