PCT 2018 Day 74, July 5, Thursday.
Start town of Etna, then back to trail at mile 1597.2
End flat spot at mile 1625.4
Miles walked: 28.2
Dave from the hostel drops off Ruffles, Bernard, and me at the trail at 9AM. They quickly outdistance me on uphills. The day is hazy, the rocky peaks familiar from the past two days of trail.
A small patch of snow remains on the trail to remind us of the Sierras.
I hike late, almost to darkness, and the temperature falls, requiring gloves and windbreaker at 6.5k elevation. Ruffles stops at a campsite just before mine, and Wifey, Bernard, and Good News are likely at a lake campsite just beyond mine, as we all strive to get to Seiad Valley tomorrow.