
  • GET 2024 day 28, Oct 28, Monday
  • Start Springtime Campground
  • End San Mateo Spring campsite
  • Lopped 0.8 miles of Apache Kid Trail, starting 1.6 miles north of junction with Shipman

My plan was to resume sawing on Apache Kid Trail, from where I left off, and perhaps camp near Twentyfive Yard Spring. I notice that another trail crew had come past since I had worked this section, and sawed a few huge logs I had to skip.

Further north, it became clear that other trail crew had already sawed the section I was planning. How far north had they worked? No way to know. So I decided to lop trail corridor, and camp back near San Mateo Spring.

Lopping is not considered as exciting or urgent or high priority as sawing, and some crews never get around to doing any. Lopping requires patience. But it really helps mark the trail corridor and makes for a pleasant hike.

My lopping is mostly aspen saplings in a recovering burn area.

More lopping is in my future.

Finished audiobook Castles in the Air, by Baroness Orczy.

Author: Jim, Sagebrush

Jim (trail-name Sagebrush) codes audio software for Windows, Linux, Android, and embedded systems. When not working at sagebrush.com, he enjoys backpacking, which this blog is about.

2 thoughts on “Loppertunity”

  1. Thank you for all the lopping and sawing. Ancestral Lands crew got as far as 25 Yard Spring when I was with them, not sure how far they have since got. Apache Kid trail was worked from north to as far south as the saddle between Blue Mountain and West Blue Mountain. Perhaps if you reach out to Ancestral Lands or the F.S. they would keep you up to date of their work in the area and maybe even let you play with their crosscut saws. No promises. Thanks again for your work and happy trails.

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