Lakes Lakes

PCT 2018 Day 53, June 14, Thursday.

Start mile 1091.5, tent-sized flat spot

End mile 1112.6, campsites at Phipps Creek Miles walked: 21.1 Walking out of the woods, I went past Echo Lake, with several summer cabins. Climbing up a ridge, the next water is Aloha Lake. Climbing up another ridge, more lakes. Many more lakes– I won’t show them all.
Climbing up to Dicks Pass at 9k from the start of the day at 7.5k, a good deal of snow must be crossed, with views of more lakes. The day ends back at 7.6k elevation. Many backpackers pass by today, doing parts of the Tahoe Rim Trail.

Author: Jim, Sagebrush

Jim (trail-name Sagebrush) codes audio software for Windows, Linux, Android, and embedded systems. When not working at, he enjoys backpacking, which this blog is about.