- CT Day 11, July 10, Monday
- Start: S11 mile 11.9, CT mile 181.2
- End: Collegiate West mile 21.4
- Miles walked: 23.7
Leaving the bunkhouse early, I rejoin the CT, ready for a big day.
The trail splits into Collegiate East and Collegiate West for about 75 miles before rejoining. I take the more challenging West, to spend more time above tree-line. Days will involve climbing up to a pass and then back down again to sleep at lower altitudes.

Soon the route follows along the south side of the Twin Lakes and passes by the Inter-Laken historic site, which used to be a resort in the late 1800’s.

The climb up to tree-line was rather easy, following along a gulch with steady controlled grade. Shannon, who I met briefly at the cabins, and Eric pass me going uphill, and we pass each other for most of the day.

Coming out of the trees, we climb up to Hope Pass at 12.5k, from staring at 9.7k at the lakes.

The climb down was rather steeper. The mountainside was narrow and putting in switchbacks would be difficult.
We see GoodCat down below getting water.

Back in the trees at 10.5k, groves of aspen tower above.

Soon comes the approach to Hope Lake Pass. Do I camp early near the approach to the pass, or go ahead and climb it and get down again? You can guess what I did.

The highest snow field to the pass was a tricky climb, and Shannon, Eric, and I are struggling.

Descending intro tree-line, the couple takes the first flat camping spot they can find, and I grab the next. What a day.