Follow That Creek

My feet and shin took a beating yesterday, trying to keep up with another much faster hiker relatively early in my hike. I ran into this issue on a previous hike, and should know better. Lesson re-learned.
The day starts with a climb up to San Luis Pass.
My side-trip up San Luis Peak


has the longest continuous span of trail over scree I have ever experienced, over half a mile of the stuff. Continue reading “Follow That Creek”

Lake City


Left the yurt refreshed, and hiked on rolling grassland, gradually lower in elevation. The trail moved on dirt road a few miles.
Near the pass I met Helicopter and Pounce, who flipped to Wyoming after encountering Colorado and were now the start of the section they skipped.


They had stayed at Ravens Roost Hostel, and gave me recommendations about town, and said I had just missed a ride back down. This time I remembered to ask about trail conditions ahead. Continue reading “Lake City”