Category: Trail Projects
Sevilleta Drinker 2016
(After several recent trail projects, I have decided to start documenting them on my hiking blog, to help my poor brain remember what I worked on.)
The New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors (NMVFO), joined by the Mule Deer Foundation, assisted staff from the vast 230,000 acre Sevilleta Wildlife Refuge to build a wildlife drinker on May 7, 2016 near the Pino Mountains along the western boundary of the wilderness.
About 18 volunteers mixed concrete in wheelbarrows and spread 3 inches thick on a plastic pond barrier, then inset flat natural rocks in the concrete, and finished the rim by stacking more loose flat rocks around the edge.
Datil Well 2016
The NMVFO camped at the Datil Well group campsite Friday evening April 29, to Sunday May 1, 2016, with Chris as leader to build and upgrade trail.