Catlin and I joined Jennifer from USFS at the Borrego Trailhead just past Hyde State Park outside of Santa Fe, to scout the loop of Borrego, Winsor, and Bear Wallow Trails for a one-day NMVFO project in a couple of weeks. The trailhead was very active and full of cars, typical for this area close to the city, all the way up to the ski area, as many people and their dogs enjoy getting out on trails.

Borrego Trail becomes narrow in places, and needs re-benching. This is fairly subtle treadwork, so it should be an interesting and challenging project day.

Catlin and I continued around the 2-mile loop. Bear Wallow needs some lopping. This short section of Winsor is heavily used by mountain bikes, taking the Blue Bus to the ski area and plunging miles downhill to catch the bus again and repeat the trip. My co-leader and I stopped at the intersection of Winsor and Bear Wallow, near a bridge, to have lunch.

All signs at intersections looked good. These trails are already adopted by the Termites, Fat Tire Society, and OTAG Over The Arroyo Gang, so they are in rather good shape, and heavily used by the hiking public.