My original plan to resume a hike on the Gila X Loop fell through. But I had a crazy idea: spend a month doing trailwork on the Grand Enchantment Trail in the Apache Kid Wilderness.
- Plan B Oct 1
- Water Found
- Brushier
- Progressish
- Shade Oct 5
- Talus and Cabin
- Nearly
- Zero at Home
- A Drip Enough
- Only Saw Oct 10
- Saw 2
- Springtime
- Water Recon
- Head Back
- Zero2 Oct 15
- Return to Nave
- Sawtisfaction
- Sawlitude
- Sawcy
- Nearly2 Oct 20
- Head Home Again
- Zero3
- Aspenectomy
- North Shipman
- Somewhat North Shipman Oct 25
- Progress
- Progresser
- Loppertunity
- Wind Break
- Loptitude Oct 30
- Loppoween