- AZT 2020 Day 18, March 26, Thursday
- Start Saddle Mountain mile 396 (passage22mile9.4)
- End mile 422.9, down from rocky ridge (passage25mile19.7)
- Miles walked: 26.9
On Sheep Creek Trail are some little ravines cut by a creek, often not wide enough at the bottom for a creek and a trail, so they have to share. Sometimes it widens a bit, with an isolated stand of tall pine trees where all nearby plants are no taller than a shrub.

We are now half-way done on this 800 mile trail!

Climbing up to Mazatzal Divide Trail, the route stays up at around 6k elevation the rest of the day, going on mountainsides and crests and saddles, with curious colorful peaks of curious design, and distant views to east and west.

I am forced to set camp at high altitude, but find a site surrounded by mountain mahogany for a wind break. The sky at dusk is clear of clouds, but rain comes later.