The morning brings more views of Holy Cross Wilderness, as the trail crosses over and down a ridge, and we are rewarded with small snow crossings and vistas of steep rocky mountainside.
Leaving the wilderness, a town day beckons. For some unknown reason, a swing appears at a trail junction.
Trail magic on the CDT? Who ever heard of such a thing?
Leadville Hostel provides the magic, and a cold soda and chips sure are a welcome treat.
Two day-hikers leaving the parking area see me hitching and offer a ride to Leadville.
The hostel is nearly full, but a bunk is found for me.
A big cycling and running event is scheduled for the weekend, so the hostel is full of cyclists. Several are repeat visitors, and do this Leadville event multiple years.
These runners and cyclists eat so healthy. Each of us have a tray in the fridge, and mine is full of soda and junk food, and all the others have salad fixings, juices, and all manner of healthy goodness.
Many gather around the dining room table to chat, surf, and eat their carefully crafted salads.
And I come to the table with my Hagen Daz and Doritos. Hikers only hit town every few days, so we binge on treats, while bikers and runners are in town each day, so must exert more self-control.
Day 23, 7/10/2014, Thursday
Start 25-030XX (near trail crossing in Holy Cross Wilderness) mile 1175, elevation 11126
End Tennessee Pass mile 1186, elevation 10125, and hitch 9 miles south to Leadville and hostel.