Capulin Volcano 2023

Seven NMVFO volunteers, two signups, and two NPS staff met at Capulin Volcano National Monument over Memorial Day Weekend to work on trail. Friday evening campers were met with thunder, lightning, hail, wind, and especially rain.

Rain held off the next day until just after work, and Sunday was clear. Work involved scratching grasses out of the tread and lopping Gambel oak on the Boca Trail and Lava Flow Trail.

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Lasso Loop Trail 2023

Several Socorro area volunteers did finishing work on the 2-ish mile Lasso Loop Trail near the Rodeo Grounds, organized by the New Mexico Tech Bike Club and Socorro Trails. This new trail is created to to support a mountain-bike race scheduled for Sunday, October 29, for NMICL, the New Mexico Interscholastic Cycling League, the NM chapter of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association, NICA, which organizes teams of teens to race and ride mountain bikes. Mary, the state director of NMICL, and her family joined us to work on the trail.