Long Way Around

MRT 2021 Day 5, April 9, Friday
• Start S2 mile 7.9
• End S2 25
• Miles walked: 17.1

After a short walk on top, the route plunges down, just before we get to Woods Canyon, which makes a deep cut into the Rim. We are going to bypass the canyon by going all the way down to “ground level”, then going back up on the other side, instead of walking around the canyon cut. The trail guide suggests this choice will be made clear soon, but the wisdom is not yet apparent while I am struggling on the trail.

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On the Rim

MRT 2021 Day 4, April 8, Thursday
• Start S1 mile 48.1 of 49.9
• End S2 mile 7.9
• Miles walked: 6.6 town + 1.8 + 7.9 = 16.3

Going into Sedona for supplies, I find a Basha’s grocery, and another hiker’s journal tips me off to the fact to an eating area hidden off to the side next to the deli and restrooms where a hiker can repackage food while charging at a long power strip along one wall. And yes, Dottor, I did ask a cashier for permission beforehand. The grocery has an impressive backdrop.

Back on the MRT, we head east to go around town, where there are perhaps larger sandstone formations than to the north.

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MRT 2021 Day 3, April 7, Wednesday
• Start S1 mile 17
• End S1 mile 48.1
• Miles walked: 31.1

Winter Cabin Trail, brushy in places, takes me up out of Sycamore Canyon, and a few forest roads lead to Secret Mountain and Loy Canyon Trail, which descends steeply at first, and then provides an easier downhill grade that seems to go on for ages.

We are in the land of red sandstone.

At section mile 29.9 Red Rock camping restrictions are in effect, and the next place to camp is at mile 48.1, and I enter the restricted zone at 1PM. It is certainly too early to stop for the day, so the plan is to hike on for a thirty miler day with a night hike the last few miles.

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