PCT 2018 Day 88, July 19, Thursday
Start campsite near Timberline Lodge, mile 2094.4
End mile 2116.2, Salvation Spring and campsite
Miles walked: 21.8
I go down to the lodge a little early, with pack because I will fill water and get a supply box shipment after breakfast. I enjoy these historic lodges, and must include at least a couple of photos of the interior.
Hun and I get a larger table for the breakfast buffet in the Cascadia Room, so that other hikers can join us, and soon we meet Packing, Cans, and Boombox, with Kodak coming later.
Lively conversation and good food are a fine start to the day. Afterwards I go down to the activity building and get my box and repack and organize. I do appreciate the fast wifi, and download my favorite podcasts.
Finally the trail resumes around 10AM. Skiers are on the glacier today. Hun starts after me but catches up. We take the side trail to Ramona Falls. The sun is just at a good angle to illuminate the water.
Hun needs to stop for a rest, afflicted with heel blisters. She may need different shoes, requiring a trip into Portland. She may not hike far today, but hopes to catch up with me tomorrow.
Down from the mountain, the forest has thriving undergrowth, with moss and fern, starting to appear like a rainforest.
I thought I saw an Ewok, but was mistaken. Later, after a long climb up switchbacks, the air becomes quite cool. Has the weather changed suddenly? I get to my planned stopping place, not hiking very late today, and dress warmly for a cold night.