HDT 2022 Day 23, April 23, Saturday Start beside Paria River S8 mile 36.7 End town of Tropic, after Willis Creek S9 mile 0.7 Miles walked: 13.0
Continuing upstream on the Paria River, the route goes past the mouths of several canyons. Eventually water stops running.

Diverting up Willis Creek, the channel is narrower, and still dry.

Willis Creek starts to get interesting, and I meet a dozen groups of day hikers. I chat with all of them– can you imagine, me?

After getting to trailhead parking, I straighten myself up as much as possible, in case during the 12 mile road walk off trail to town someone might want to give me a ride. Would you give this chap a ride if you drove past him?

After walking about a mile, a really nice family I had chatted with earlier, out of Salt Lake City, gives me a ride past Cannonville (rather small) on up to Tropic.

Tropic has everything I need all close together, so I launch into a familiar and pleasant routine: get motel room (they let me check in to my room right away, good people), bathe, launder clothes, get snacks, update blog, solve gear issues, have dinner, rest.