
GET 2017 Day 27, May 22, Monday.

Start Segment 25 mile 5 of 11.5, on CDT Trail 74

End at terminus of Segment 26, mile 19.3, at eastern edge of Gila National Forest

Miles walked: 25.8

At Kline Mtn a small bear (but older than a cub) ran away from me. He ran in the direction of a barb-wire fence, which got me to wondering: how does a bear cross the many wire fences found in our national forests?

Trail 74 turns into follow-the- fenceline-on-2-track. For most of the day we follow some kind of boundary fence on the dirt road that runs along the fence.

The route still tended to stay near the tops of ridges, but usually any views were of more forest. Later, near Dolan Peak, I got to appreciate some panoramas.

*** Continue reading “Fencelines”

Black Range Crest

GET 2017 Day 26, May 21, Sunday.

Start Burnt Canyon, Segment 23 mile 8.6 of 11.5

End Segment 25 mile 5, on CDT Trail 74, after 16.5 miles of Segment 24

Miles walked: 24.4

The water bottles were partially frozen in the cold night. Fortunately, the water filter was detached from a water bottle and hidden under bedding to keep warm– freezing would destroy it.

The route climbs out of Burnt Canyon.

Continue reading “Black Range Crest”