Switchback Pass

CDT Montana 2016

Day 33, August 7, Sunday

Start SB-020M, mile 2.1 of western alternative trail in Bob Marshall Wilderness

Stop SB195-M near Trilobite Range, mile 19.3 of alternative trail in the Bob Marshall Wilderness

Miles walked: 17.2

The trail starts wet and cold and clogged with plants overhanging the pathway, but transitions to shorter wet plants lower in altitude. The sky is overcast, and sun slow to shine into deep valley, when not blocked by clouds.

The forest seems thick and wild.

The way follows Spotted Bear River

At mid-day I paused to dry gear for a half-hour while the sun was strong, before starting a long ascent. The sun makes brief appearances between clouds.

Observing rock formations while climbing, climbing…

More rock and mountain peaks to admire while climbing to the ominously named Switchback Pass.

I race to reach the pass before rain catches me on exposed top.

More rock cliffs stand watch on the other side

Rain comes, comes again, and again. Pausing for downpours cuts hiking time. The trail going downhill is slippery, and I fall into mud.

Not many miles again today because of rain. How much longer will this weather pattern last?

[finished audiobook The Black Arrow, A Tale of Two Roses, by Robert Louis Stevenson]

Author: Jim, Sagebrush

Jim (trail-name Sagebrush) codes audio software for Windows, Linux, Android, and embedded systems. When not working at sagebrush.com, he enjoys backpacking, which this blog is about.