HDT 2022 Day 36, May 6, Friday
Start Hack Canyon S13 mile 79.9
End dirt road S14 mile 23.2
Miles walked: 30.5
Continuing up Hack Canyon, we pass Hack Canyon Mine, with electric lines running to it, but can see no details.

Now, after getting a cache that included water since it has been a long distance since the last source, the day starts a long road walk, a welcome change after days of rock hopping.

The guidebook refers to this as the Arizona Strip, wide open range land.
Heading up Yellowstone Mesa offers several springs, and I find enclosed water reservoir with water running from some spring above. This resembles a water holding structure I saw on the PCT.

Ahead we can see a mountain range come closer, as we walk the rest of the day on hard-pack dirt road.

Finished audiobook The Tenth Clew and Other Continental Op Stories , by Dashiel Hammett.