- GET 2024 day 12, Oct 12, Saturday
- Start San Mateo Spring campsite
- End Springtime campground
- Cleared all trees between Snn Mateo Spring and Springtime, with spot lopping
Packing up camp, my destination today is my car at Springtime, for modest resupply.
The oak at this elevation is getting its fall colors.

The views descending Apache Kid Trail do not disappoint.

The section of Apache Kid Trail between Shipman intersection and Springtime in not on the GET, but does provide access to the trail.
I cannot fully lop this section, but do try to work on the bushiest sections every time I pass through.

I was surprised to see another hiker on trail, hunting bear, and we stopped and chatted a while. Here he is back at camp.

Many trees could be cleared easily, but then you get a fresh ponderosa blowdown that takes a good deal of effort.

The campground had several visitors, and I am glad to see it is being used and appreciated.
Finished audiobook Divots, by P G Wodehouse.
The view from Apache Kid Trail reminds one of the Great Smokies.
Oak! Pervasive! Persistent!
It was smoky/hazy for a couple of the pictures, and I never learned which fire the smoke was blowing from.
Thanks for visiting.