- GET 2024 day 4, Oct 4, Friday
- Start basecamp
- End basecamp
- Lopping and some cairns
Early in the morning while still dark, I make out in the starlight an animal with a white brushy tail approaching camp. My first thought is “skunk”, but later in the day I notice squirrels with a light gray patch on the tail.
The lower half of this section of trail to the ridge is finished. I worked towards the car, and resupply food at the car. Hiker hunger is kicking in.
I hear an elk bugle at 9am. Later I hear an odd clinking. It is an elk, male, on top of a talus field way high, dislodging rock. My camera is not fast enough for a photo.

Finally I can start working the upper section of trail for half the day. It helps to be working towards a water source. I do somehow get off trail and onto a game trail on my way back to camp. Oops.
Finished audiobook Retief Intergalactic Diplomat in Space