- GET 2024 day 27, Oct 27, Sunday
- Start Nave Spring campsite
- End Springtime Campground
- 8 one-cut, 4 two-cuts, finished clearing downed trees from the remaining part of Shipman Trail
Heading towards Springtime, I cleared the remaining trees on Shipman. The trail is not lopped between Nave Spring and Apache Kid Trail, with plenty of oak. Should I lop on my few remaining days on this adventure, or saw trees on Apache Kid?

The weather continues to be clear. (If I do not mention weather in a post on this trip, assume clear skies and not too cold.) Today is hazy. Is there a fire somewhere upwind?

No one else is at the campground. I repair equipment, sew clothes, and do trail-laundry: Take a one gallon zip bag, put in a large article of clothing, add water, close bag, agitate with hands three minutes, discard water, wring or squeeze clothing. Do it all again, but add a few drops of Dr Bronners soap. Do it all again, without soap. Hang dry.

The laundry water turned black with charcoal dust from all the scorched trees being cut and dragged in the past few days.
Instead of taking a zero day this week, I will stay out on trail and continue working until the end of the month.
Finished audiobook The Status Civilization, by Robert Sheckley.