Plan B

  • GET 2024 day 1,  Oct 1, Tuesday
  • Start home, and drive to Shipman Trailhead
  • Stop 0.5 miles below Myers Spring
  • Lopping, searching for water

My original plan to resume a hike on the Gila X Loop fell through. But I had a crazy idea. Russ from the Forest Service sent out an email many weeks ago to several trail groups, requesting work on sections of the Grand enchantment Trail. What if I spent the month that I had planned hiking a long trail, to instead hang out on my favorite long trail, doing sawing and lopping? I wouldn’t be putting in many miles, and the scenery wouldn’t change as often, but I would get plenty of exercise and be outdoors. I got permission from the USFS to work, through NMVFO, and here I am.

Burma Road to Shipment Trailhead is very rough, and I’m glad an entire trail crew did not have to drive on it

The last time I was at this trailhead was in 2021, as part of my MRT adventure, adding a section of the GET to return home

Lopping begins just past a private in-holding, and soon brush starts to get thick, but the tread is fairly visible.

After a few hundred feet of lopping, I stop brushing and begin hiking to the first possible water source in a drainage, now dry. Hiking towards the next water source at Myer Spring, darkness falls before reaching my goal, and I set up camp.

Author: Jim, Sagebrush

Jim (trail-name Sagebrush) codes audio software for Windows, Linux, Android, and embedded systems. When not working at, he enjoys backpacking, which this blog is about.

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