HDT 2022 Day 20, April 20, Wednesday
Start along Last Chance Creek S7 mile 44.4
End along dirt road near Dog Flat S7 mile 69.2
Miles walked: 24.8
Last Chance Creek was crossed by a dirt road, Smokey Mountain Road, where a mountain biker was camped last night. We talked a while– it has been a few days since I saw a human being.

Last Chance Creek became intermittent well before my notes suggested it would. I had to backtrack a quarter of a mile to return to a good pool of water– a good call, since any pools ahead were torn up by cattle.

From Last Chance I enter the narrower Paradise Canyon, which was also running with water its whole length of about 6 miles.

Paradise had no obstacles, except for avoiding mud, just a regular canyon.

The rest of the day is on dirt road among juniper and pinon and sagebrush.
Finished audiobook Ukridge, by P G Wodehouse.