- GET 2024 day 30, Oct 30, Wednesday
- Start San Mateo Spring campsite
- End Springtime Campground
- Lopped 0.5 miles Shipman Trail starting at the junction with Apache Kid, cleared 4 fresh blowdowns on Apache Kid Trail between the junction with Shipman Trail and the campground
What a cold windy night! The wind did not decrease in the evening, and I did not dare put up a tent, and instead cowboy-camped under clear skies. Steady cold wind continues all day, until I climb down to a lower altitude.
The north part of Shipman has Gambel oak, and lopping should make the trail easier to follow.

In places the oak leaves have dropped off, making lopping easier.

When the sun gets low, I head towards the campground, clearing blowdowns along the way, Normally I skip leaners, but this one was an easy fix.

Finished audiobook A Strange Disappearance, by Anna Katharine Green, a Gryce novel.