- GET 2024 day 31, Oct 31, Thursday
- Start Springtime Campground
- End HOME!
- Lopped upper part of Apache Kid Trail between Springtime Campground and Shipman Trail junction, 0.3 miles
The night was cold, even at lower elevation of the campground, but sleeping inside the Subaru was comfy. Climbing up to the top of the ridge, I appreciated the fine views during the last day of my adventure.

I lop Gambel oak for a half-day where it is thickest, near the top of the ridge.
Finished audiobook 3 SF Stories by Jack Williamson.

Who Was the Apache Kid? (Notes from an informal talk I gave in 2021)

born 1860 Aravaipa Canyon
death 1894 or later, tales of until 1930s
Indian Scouts considered enlisted after 1866
1870s met Al Sieber, Chief of Scouts, under General George Crook
1882 promoted to sergeant
1886 Geronimo surrendered, Crook resigns
Apache Wars 1846 to 1890, last Apache raid in US 1924
(Keep in mind the racism of the time, and regard the following skeptically.)
1887 while Sieber was away from San Carlos post, the Kid was in charge of scouts and an alcohol-fueled fight ensued.
When Sieber returned, the scouts were arrested, but a shot was fired and the Kid and several scouts fled.
They surrendered, were court-martialed, sentenced to death, commuted to life, sent to Alcatraz.
Convictions overturned in 1889, freed, new charges, Kid on the run, arrested, convicted, 7 years in prison, first at Globe, but during transport to Yuma Territorial Prison, at the Kelvin Grade massacre, prisoners escaped.
Only the Kid was not recaptured.
Several unconfirmed reports of crimes.
Anderson posse claims to have killed Kid, accused of rustling cattle in 1894.
From Wikipedia:
“marker stands as a grave, where the Anderson posse claimed to have killed the Kid in 1894. According to local residents, the body was not buried and the bones and shreds of his clothing lay scattered about the site for some years, with people taking some as souvenirs”
Local Socorro County NM Events Timeline for Comparison
1850 NM becomes territory of USA
1878 to 1881 Lincoln County War 1881 Billy the Kid killed by Pat Garrett near Fort Sumner
1883 Kelly Mine opens
1884 Magdalena named after peak, PO opens
1884 Frisco shootout with Elfego Baca at Reserve (then Middle San Francisco Plaza), more than 4000 shots into the adobe house
1885 railroad spur line from Socorro to Magdalena,
1885-to 1916 Magdalena Trail annual stock drive
1885 Fort Craig abaodoned
1889 NM School of Mines opens
1928 Socorro county bought land in Sevilleta de la Joya Land Grant in a public sale for unpaid taxes.