Ten NMVFO volunteers partnered with the Albuquerque Wildlife Federation, returning to Limestone Canyon over Labor Day weekend to continue restoration work in Limestone Canyon and Fisher Canyon.

At the beginning of our first workday, Sue, who had worked as a forester with the USFS, gave a short talk and described the historical background of Limestone Canyon, and the timber sale that had started the restoration of the meadow.

My crew went up Limestone, past a pipe fence that had been bent by some past flooding event.

Further up Limestone we found running water in the drainage, from the lightning storm the night before.

We hiked up to a low concrete dam that had been built many years ago by Bill Zeedyk, who pioneered many of the water restoration techniques we would be practicing this weekend.

My group spent the day building “beaver dams” on Limestone to slow water and capture fine sediment from the flow, and using stakes to pin the branches so they would not float away.

The next day my crews built one-rock dams near the confluence of Limestone and Fisher.